It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time of year that highlights the stark realities of Breast Cancer. Did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in their lifetime? And in recent years diagnoses for women under 40 have been on the rise. Young women are more likely to have breast cancer that is more aggressive which can mean life-threatening.
So, what can we do to catch cancer early enough for it to be life saving?
The more proactive you are in knowing your body & your risks the greater your chances are of catching any changes earlier on. Do you have family history? If so, share this information with your provider that way they can help you come up with an early detection plan based on your specific family history.
If you’re not sure of your family history, speaking with a genetic counselor can help you identify any risks you might have. They may encourage you to take a gene test which can help you determine your lifetime risk. (Lifetime risk is the percentage based on your gene test results that show your chances of developing breast cancer in your lifetime.)
The other thing you can do to be proactive with your breast health is knowing your body. By developing a sense of breast self-awareness it gives you the opportunity to know what your breast tissue feels like, which can help you notice any changes. If you find an abnormality, something that doesn’t “feel right”, consult your doctor for further attention and/or testing.
If for any reason you are dismissed by your provider, don’t hesitate to find another doctor to talk to. Because your concerns are VALID. Know your body, know your risks, and be your own best advocate.